What Is Legionnaires’ disease?

Legionnaires’ disease is the term used for a severe type of pneumonia that causes lung inflammation because of an infection by the bacteria Legionella. It does not spread from one person to the other. But, when the bacteria are inhaled, it could cause this disease. People who smoke, are old, or have weak immune systems are at a higher risk of developing this medical condition.

The bacteria result in Pontiac fever that shares symptoms similar to the flu. The Pontiac fever can recover by itself, but when Legionnaires’ disease is not treated, it could be life-threatening. Antibiotics do help in getting rid of this infection, but some individuals experience discomfort even after the treatment.


After being exposed to the bacteria, the individual may develop the condition in about two to 20 days. The symptoms associated with this condition include:

  • Fever (mostly 104 degrees F or higher)
  • Chills
  • Muscle pain
  • Headache
  • Chest pain
  • Confusion and other mental changes
  • Gastrointestinal symptoms, like diarrhoea, vomiting, and nausea
  • Shortness of breath
  • Cough

The infection occurs in the lung area, but it could also spread to other parts of the body, like the heart.
Risk Factors

  • Everybody exposed to the bacteria doesn’t get sick. People who are at higher risk include individuals:
  • Who Smoke – Smoking can significantly deteriorate the lungs, making it more susceptible to lung infections.
  • Who have weak immune systems – It could result from certain medications or autoimmune diseases.
  • Who have chronic lung diseases – They include emphysema or other severe medical conditions like cancer, kidney disease, or diabetes.
  • Who are old – They include people above 50 years of age or older.

How to Prevent Legionnaires’ disease

Taking a few steps can help in reducing the risk of this infection. It could involve plumbing sittings, water-filled fixtures/appliances like air conditioners, spas, pools, bored, hot water tanks, etc. and installing and maintaining water pipes.

Hot Water Systems

They include hot water tanks, hot water taps, and shower roses. These hot water symptoms could cultivate the bacteria where the water remains at a temperature between 25 to 50 degrees C. Taking the following precautions could help in Legionella prevention and control.

Air Conditioners

Some of the steps to reduce the risk include:

  • Regular maintenance
  • Using fresh and clean water

Pools and Spas

It is essential to disinfect carefully, maintain, and clean the pumps, pipes, and jets as they can harbour bacterial growth. Using a low foaming detergent or mild bleach is highly recommended.

Legionnaires’ disease is a dangerous condition, and it is always better to prevent such an infection from occurring by taking necessary steps ahead in time.

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